Monday, June 02, 2014


Time and its meaning was the theme of Ronan Condon’s very interesting speech at the clubs most recent meeting. Ronan gave us different definitions of time and how it is used to measure and remember things. He gave a very good example of this by going through a decade of years and telling us what big events occurred on each of the years of that decade. Ronan’s speech was evaluated by Marie Fitzpatrick.

Those present at the meeting were also treated on the night by Angela Sheehan who recited some of Brendan Kennelly poems. She chose poems from his ‘Dream of a Black Fox’ collection. Helsa Giles gave Angela a very helpful evaluation. The final speaker of the night was Liam Flynn. Liam’s strong historical knowledge again came to the fore in this speech. He spoke with great passion about the plight of the landless labourer at the end of the 1800’s and how the government of the time took action in order to safeguard their futures. Sean Corcoran as Liam’s evaluator thanked him for another very informative historical speech.

The clubs next meeting will take place on Thursday May 29th. The meeting will commence at 8pm in the Hibernian Hotel Mallow. Guests are always most welcome and will not be asked to speak. For more information on toastmasters check us out on our website www.speakeasytoastmasters .com or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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